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Over the past year, families have been spending more time at home and indoors. While the air inside may not be polluted with car exhaust, it may contain a variety of chemicals and particulate matter. Many of these substances are not healthy for to breathe and may aggravate allergies and asthma. Keep reading to find out what steps you can take to improve the air quality in your own home.Grace Young, Founder of House Fragrance.

Reduce and eliminate dust regularly.

Dust buildup in the home contributes to poor indoor air quality. Reducing and eliminating dust regularly is one of the best ways to improve indoor air quality.

If you’re looking for a new home or [planning] a renovation, then avoiding carpeting and opting for hardwood, tile, or laminate is a great way to reduce dust. Carpet tends to hold dust and other allergens that contribute to poor indoor air quality.

Make sure to invest in a quality vacuum that uses a HEPA air filter to remove the most harmful allergens from your floors and other surfaces. When you’re vacuuming, don’t forget your drapes. These can hold a lot of dust, and most people neglect to clean them regularly.

Cleaning your home more often is a great way to keep the air quality as good as possible. It’s also a good idea to open up some windows while you’re cleaning to let in a bit of fresh air and get rid of the stale poor-quality air.

It’s all about proper air ventilation.

Keep in mind that stagnant air can do nothing good for a room or for your health. With this [in mind], open your window to allow the natural breeze outside to replace the air inside the room. I use fans in rooms that don’t have windows.

Plants can also be beneficial in cleaning the indoor air quality. Not all plants are suited for this job, as most of them can die when placed indoors. So, research the best plants to have at home.

Sandra Henderson, Licensed Professional Counselor at LifeHacks.Alex Williams, Lead researcher at Greenery Guide.

Regularly clean your home.

The easiest way to maintain good indoor air quality is to keep your home clean.

For the best air quality, make sure that you clean your home with natural products instead of those with strong-smelling chemicals. Focus on using things like white vinegar and baking soda instead of commercially available cleaners.

Also, make sure you don’t neglect to change out air filters in your home. It’s recommended to change them out every six months, but you can improve your air quality by changing those air filters every three months.

Don’t hesitate to let a little fresh air in from time to time so you can remove that stale air from your home.

It’s easy for homes to get polluted, and it directly affects our health.

  • Check your hobbies – Many of us engage in creative activities such as painting, woodworking, papermaking, and other hobbies. If you’re using any tools and items that can produce odors (such as glue, paint, thinners) or debris (such as wood bits), it’s best to take those hobbies outside or do it in a very well-ventilated area. It’s easy for odors and particles to enter your home and pollute your air.
  • Peace lilies and spider plants – Indoor plants are one of the best ways to purify the quality of your air indoors. If you don’t have any idea how to take care of plants, peace lilies and spider plants are very easy to take care of. They will thrive with sunlight and minimal watering, and they purify the air inside your home as well.
  • Deep clean your home – There’s a high chance that the pollutants that reduce air quality are already inside your home. If you haven’t had a deep cleaning session in a while, now is the time to do it. Clean your carpets, furniture, dryer vents, AC ducts, and bedding. Fix any leaks and maybe even call pest control to eliminate pests.

Travis Blanchard, Founder of Splash Bytes.Aaron Simmons is the founder of Test Prep Genie.


Excessive moisture in the air can promote not just a musty, funky odor but poor air quality. This moisture can mix with dust and other unfavorable particles that you can ingest when not controlled properly. Thankfully, dehumidifiers can reduce and keep the moisture, preventing both the presence of mold, and the damp smell during the wet season.

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