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With the temperatures warming up after the frigid days of winter, people are turning their attention to spring activities—including spring cleaning. Just as spring is a symbol of new beginnings, it’s a chance to breathe a new sense of order into our homes and lives. As you focus on cleaning, don’t forget to tend to maintenance projects that you may have neglected. Spring maintenance not only makes your house look better, but it can also prevent significant problems down the line.

Here are just a few tips for maintaining your home:

  • Inspect the gutters – Gutters take a severe beating during the winter months. Inspect them for any leaks or accumulated leaves. Leaky gutters could result in water flowing into your home.
  • Inspect the roof shingles – Check to see if your roof has been compromised during the snows and rains of winter. You need to replace cracked, damaged, or loose shingles before they are exposed to the intense summer sun.
  • Move firewood – If you store firewood close to the house for easy access during cold winter nights, now is the time to move the wood elsewhere. Firewood should be stored at least a foot and a half off the ground and several feet away from any structure. Otherwise, it could expose your home to termites.
  • Fill up low areas in the yard – Spring rain can pool in your yard, especially in low areas. Fill up the recessed areas with compacted soil. When summer comes, the pools of water will be breeding grounds for insects.
  • Check the chimney – Inspect the exterior of the chimney for any cracks or signs of damage. Call a professional to clean the flue.
  • Examine outside faucets – Check for cold weather damage to the outside faucets and water line. You can do this by turning on the faucet and putting your finger over the opening. If you can stop the water flow, there may be damage somewhere in the pipes. Call a professional plumber for help.
  • Have your cooling unit inspected – A qualified technician can clean the coils of the outside unit to ensure that the system will work efficiently when you switch from heating to cooling your home.
  • Check garden equipment – Your lawnmower and other garden equipment have likely been in storage through the cold months. Spring is the time to inspect them and ensure that they are still functioning well.

Take advantage of temperate spring days to get your home in top shape.